Using and Documenting Priming Units on Insulin Pens

In 1985, the first insulin pen was invented – it gave patients a flexible way of self-administration and autonomy from burdensome vials and syringes. Today there are a multitude of insulin products available as FlexPen®, FlexTouch®, KwikPen®, and Solostar® pens that offer convenience and discretion for patients with diabetes.

The patient Instructions for Use, included with insulin pen boxes, direct patients to prime the pen needle prior to administering each dose. This is for many reasons, including removing any air between the pen itself and the pen needle, ensuring the pen is properly working, and ensuring the correct dose is administered. The usual, reliable adage has been 2 priming units per dose, but some insulin pens require three to five priming units!

PAAS National® created the Insulin Medication Chart that includes which insulin pens deviate from the standard two priming units:

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InsulinPriming Units
Humulin® R U-500 KwikPen® regular insulin human5
Toujeo® Solostar® 300 Unit/mL insulin glargine3
Toujeo® MAX Solostar® 300 Unit/mL insulin glargine4

PAAS Tips:

  • If your pharmacy uses priming units to calculate days’ supply, make sure to document on the hard copy for auditing purposes.
  • When documenting priming units for the atypical products in the chart above, be sure to indicate the priming unit volume that you are calculating with

Chelsea Davis, CPhT