NEW PAAS Resource – Printable Signature Logbook
Many pharmacies have made the switch to electronic signature log capture, but paper signature logs have not gone away.
After graduating from UW-Madison's School of Pharmacy with my PharmD, I spent my first eight years at an independent pharmacy dividing my time between both retail and long-term care. I fell in love with the independent pharmacy world and joined the PAAS team to help independents not only survive, but thrive.
I enjoy assisting pharmacy staff both pre- and post-audit and enjoy providing them with knowledge and tools to decrease audit risk going forward. I write articles for Third-Party Newsline each month and answer member questions daily. I look forward to building professional relationships with each of our members and assisting you with your next audit.
Many pharmacies have made the switch to electronic signature log capture, but paper signature logs have not gone away.
The DEA published a couple rule changes recently which pharmacies need to be aware of. In the September 2023 Newsline, the updated rule regarding partial fills for controlled substances was discussed. The other recent change published in the Federal Register was titled, Transfer of Electronic Prescription for Schedules II-V Controlled Substances Between Pharmacies for Initial Filling.
Safeguarding electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) is as important for a big Fortune 1000 company as it is for independent pharmacies.
The DEA recently updated the rule regarding partial fills of Schedule II (C-II) prescriptions. Pursuant to the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) of 2016, pharmacies are allowed to partial fill any C-II (e.g., stimulants, opioids, etc.) at the request of the prescriber, or the patient, as long as all the following criteria are met …
Every day, pharmacies and their hardworking staff safeguard patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI), but breaches still occur.
Be very cautious about what information is posted on social media because one slip up could land your pharmacy in the crosshairs of an Office for Civil Rights (OCR) investigation.
Our PAAS National® Analyst team is at it again! A new tool has been developed to address and correct a common audit recoupment issue. Insulin remains at the heart of nearly all audits.
Dexcom G6® sensors, transmitters, and receivers continue to be audit targets.
Use the following information when billing CeQur Simplicity TM patches and the rapid-acting insulin used within the patch to decrease your risk of recoupment upon audit.
There are many billing pitfalls related to insulin claims, which is why auditors love to target them. The claim can face recoupment for a missing or incorrect strength, formulation, substitution, days’ supply calculation and so on, but one recoupment many pharmacies never see coming is insulin for a pump being inappropriately billed.
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160 Business Park Circle,
Stoughton, WI 53589
Phone: 888.870.7227 or 608.873.1342
Fax: 608.873.4009