Entries by Lindsay Doebert, CPhT

Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Update – New Products Recently Released 

There have been some updates to the continuous glucose monitor (CGM) world since our last Newsline article released March 2024. Abbott has released two new sensors, FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor and FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus Sensor, that can be used with the FreeStyle Libre 2 Reader and FreeStyle Libre 3 Reader, respectively. FreeStyle Libre […]

Why PBMs Insist on Understanding Dispense Quantity Changes

When a pharmacy dispenses a quantity other than what was prescribed, it requires documentation. PBMs will want to know the rationale, whether the quantity was increased or decreased. There are plenty of valid reasons a pharmacy may need to change the quantity, including …

Are You Willing to Risk Recoupment for Missing DUR and SCC Documentation?

Pharmacies often work in a fast-paced environment with an increasing workload as we see stores closing, more transfer-ins, and higher patient demand. This results in an increased urgency to perform data entry faster, which can lead to the use of override codes to get the claim adjudicated quickly. PAAS National®® is here to remind pharmacies […]

Matching NDCs Help Keep the Audits at Bay

Billing the wrong NDC can correlate to potential audit issues, ranging from recoupments on claims to risking contract termination. In fact, poor performance on invoice audits due to the pharmacy billing the incorrect NDC (in relation to the NDC dispensed), is a leading reason pharmacy contracts get terminated. This issue can be mitigated by …