Entries by Jenevra Azzopardi, CPhT

Back to School: How to Ace EpiPen® Billing and Avoid an Audit  

PAAS National® has seen an increase in prescription validation requests and audits for EpiPen® and, with back-to-school in full swing, we want all pharmacy employees to be aware of potential billing issues for this life-saving medication.

DAW 8: Documentation When the Generic is Not Available

DAW code billing on multi-source brand medications is a frequent audit target for PBMs due to their potential higher cost, change in pharmacy reimbursement, and impact on patient copays. PAAS National® recommends …

Metformin HCl ER – Audit Considerations

Unfortunately, the cost difference can be significant, leading to an increased risk for audit – especially when a patient is taking Glumetza® or Fortamet®.

Diagnosis Restricted? Documentation Required!

PAAS National® is starting to see more audit recoupments on claims where a diagnosis code was required at adjudication but there was no documentation on the hardcopy to support the diagnosis code billed.

2024 DMEPOS Series #4: Surgical Dressings

This DMEPOS series is intended to help you understand these complexities and gather the needed documents. In particular, you should be able to show the following if audited on surgical dressings…