Entries by Erin McDonald, PharmD

Keeping the Diagnoses Straight for GLP-1 Products

The FDA recently announced that Zepbound® (tirzepatide) has been approved for the treatment of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults with obesity. This is the first GLP-1 indicated for OSA. The popularity of GLP-1 products has not slowed down, but with the new diagnosis for Zepbound® it is a good time to […]

Billing Ozempic® 0.25 mg Weekly as Maintenance – What PBMs Say

PAAS National®® continues to see GLP-1 medications as a high audit target. Recall the FDA-approved initial dosing for Ozempic® is 0.25 mg injected subcutaneously once weekly for four weeks, followed by 0.5 mg once weekly (see section 2.2 of product labeling). However, pharmacies often see prescribers write for Ozempic® 0.25 mg weekly dose as maintenance. […]